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Because Tech is the New Life.

We are extremely passionate about new technologies and their use in our daily life or in professional projects. We have the experience to design digital experiences events and solutions that will take your customers into an immersive reality through the use of XR and immersive technologies.

Let us make the impossible,

AR, VR experiences

We’ll never look at our world the same way again. Through a combination of computer-generated sensory inputs, Augmented and Virtual Reality have shown us a vision of the future we can’t ignore. We can design immersive digital experiences for every platform, smartphone, tablet, gaming consoles and wearable technology.
Let the customer dive into your brand.

Projection Mapping

Make the ordinary extraordinary by turning the space and the objects into a unique visual experience. Projection mapping helps you to create an immersive projection-mapped digital experience and provides endless opportunities to make any performance interactive in real-time. If you want to excite your audience and give them a one of a kind experiences, we can help you.

360° and standard video production

From storyboard to final cut, our in-house production team can guide you through each stage of the process, delivering solutions that will captivate and engage your viewers. Either you want a mind blowing, fully interactive 360° video or standard video material, let our talented team create a solution that’s tailored to fit your needs.

3D animated worlds

Immersion rooms, latest technologies and brand-environments designed to empower and deliver an immersive experience into the identity of your brand. Let us take a deep dive into your brand story and deliver an inspiring experience that will raise the awareness into the attendees and leave them completely amazed.

Motion and Gesture

Let the audience be in charge. We can develop and produce a solution that immediately connects with viewers through the use of intuitive motion sensors and touch screens that allow to control and make the digital experience unique.

Multitouch surfaces

We work to develop custom holographic applications which comes in with different interactivity level, from passive holographic source to the most advanced motion capture technologies. Create a stunning experience for your audience through the use of video walls and holographic displays that pull you in.

Take a step forward because,

is the future.

A melting pot of creativity

Different point of views and visions are the basement of our work and creativity. We like to blend together talented creatives, developer and animators/3d artists to create best in class designs and experiences from concept to execution.

The value of the experience

By stunning your audience you don’t only provide a valuable experience that leads to a proportional increase of brand awareness and value perceived, but you also help to generate a positive engagement that will make easier your customer retention plans.

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Ready to look into the future?

We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help companies to create amazing identities by crafting digital solutions.

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