Think smart.
Like a Hiver
Unique business ideas and passionate people behind them. An idea is nothing without execution!
Once a Hiver, always a Hiver.
We are witnessing the birth of a new immersive revolution in the business world and we are determined to lead it. With you.
We want our clients to perceive us as a partner, not a provider. Our success is your success, we will put all our knowledge and experience into your project in order to find new digital solutions fitting your needs.
Our Doctrine is simple:
Work as a team.
Succeed as one.
We value relationships.
Our approach to work.
At THE HIVE we look at issues from the point of view of our clients’ stakeholders. At the same time we take care not to abandon our creative principles. We build harmonious working relationships, based on being open and straightforward.
Our vision & mission.
We want to be a business with soul, a reference in the world of digital solutions in companies from branding to software. We want to lead the revolution that the new technologies are bringing by providing companies with the most advanced, high tech tools to grow their businesses.
Average age
Teamwork has been always our center of approach. From our Tunisia studio facility we focus our energy on improving our strategic thinking & creative ingenuity as we always collaborate enthusiastically.
Talented professionals
We never stop looking for talents to join our family. Our goal is to always grow our multidisciplinary team and make them able to analyze and provide solutions seeing the whole picture and not only a part of it.
We help to achieve mutual goals.
Stay tuned
Recent News.
Ready to look into the future?
We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help companies to create amazing identities by crafting digital solutions.

Get in touch
Work and general inquiries
Assistance hours:
Monday – Friday
9 am to 6 pm GMT+1

Post address
Rue de la Feuille d’Érable,
Emeraude Center B7-1,
Les jardins du Lac,
Les Berges du Lac II,